Don’t Suffer in silence.
There is a strong correlation between the onset of tinnitus and a deterioration in mental health. But there are 740 million people living with tinnitus around the world… you’re not alone.
Discovering you have tinnitus is hard enough to deal with. Finding out that there is no cure, can make you feel very anxious and isolated. But there is hope.
At TinniSoothe, we put mental well-being right at the centre of what we do - and talking about things is at the heart of that. We also put our money where our mouth is, and support 3 charities who have many tinnitus sufferers within their communities…
You’re Not Alone
It’s estimated that 740 million people around the world have tinnitus. There is also a strong correlation between the onset of tinnitus and a deterioration in mental health. But many people learn to live perfectly well with tinnitus. This is called ‘habituation’.
A recent study from Tinnitus UK found that 1 in 3 think about their tinnitus every hour. Sadly, 1 in 5 tinnitus sufferers has experienced suicidal thoughts. We also know that many sufferers have problems with insomnia, which can make it hard to function, adding to feelings of stress and anxiety.
At TinniSoothe, we believe it’s crucial to talk openly about mental ill-health. We are pleased to support a number of charities that share our view.
Based in the UK? Need Help Now?
If you’re struggling with depression or having suicidal thoughts, CALM'S free helpline and web chat is open every day from 5pm until midnight. You just need to call 0800 58 58 58 to reach their confidential and anonymous helpline.
If you need immediate help, please call Emergency Services on 999 or The Samaritans on 116 123.
Tinnitus UK offers a free telephone Helpline service, open Monday – Friday, from 10 am to 4pm UK on (0800) 018 0527. There is also a webchat, email at helpline@tinnitus.org.uk and text message option at (07537) 416841, as well as free online learning resources.
Living with tinnitus is tough, but there is hope.
Whether you are new to tinnitus, or a long-time sufferer, the noise in your head can affect the way you live your life. When people first realise that they have tinnitus, a common reaction is a sense of panic.
When they discover there is no cure for tinnitus, this panic can quickly lead to high anxiety and a feeling of hopelessness. These emotions are completely normal and shared by many, but that’s no consolation when you need to find a solution.
But there are options that can help, and TinniSoothe may work for you.
Easy to use
& configure
Round the
clock relief
Nothing in or around the ears
Class 1
medical device
& discreet
Tinnitus can become a spiral. The more you think about it, the more you think about it.
But TinniSoothe takes the edge off. It helps me to not notice my tinnitus and breaks that spiral.
Tim Banks, GBRacing
TinniSoothe user
Tinnitus can strike at any age…
For new sufferers, it can be an overwhelming experience. Getting used to tinnitus (habituation) is not easy, but it is possible and sound therapy can play an important role. TinniSoothe is a simple and effective way to cope in those early months and years, using the clinically proven method of sound enrichment. The beauty of TinniSoothe is that it’s safe, discreet, portable and always with you, so you can go about your normal daily routine with minimum interference.
If you have suffered from tinnitus for some time, you may have habituated to tinnitus already, at least partially. You’ve probably made some compromises in your life too, so that you don’t think about your tinnitus. You might deliberately avoid certain activities, in case they trigger your tinnitus – for example, quieter moments can make your tinnitus more noticeable. TinniSoothe is a simple and effective way to help – you can either wear the device all the time, or simply use it as and when your tinnitus spikes.

Tinnitus relief.
All day. All Night.
Making tinnitus manageable
Our patented design brings the proven benefits of sound therapy to you, wherever you are. Gentle white noise is directed towards your ears as you wear it throughout the day. The soothing effect continues and helps you sleep, whilst re-charging from your bedside.
Designed to fit your life
We have tirelessly focused on usability as a core design principle. We want Tinnisoothe to become a seamless part of your daily life, so you don’t have to compromise. Find out how you can make the most of Tinnisoothe.
Created because we care
We care passionately about helping those living with tinnitus. As sufferers ourselves, we know the impact it can have on daily life. The whole reason we started the company - and our sole focus - is to help other tinnitus sufferers.
Delivering real relief
Developed to be as easy to use as possible. Portable, discreet, configurable and, above all, effective. We’re confident that TinniSoothe could make a real difference to your life. And if not, you can return it within 30 days.
TinniSoothe: Recognised by those who matter…
Registered as a Class 1 medical device
Patent protected
Manufactured with care
Reviewed independently